She surges into the surrendered silhouette that once was me
She knows I have entered the shivering current of listening
She knows the vessel is emptied of emotion
She knows the chapel is fragranced with prayer
She knows the new light of inners illumination has arrived
She flicks the switch on
Dance she says
Dance on the debris of the washed up log
Dance as the dawn
Dance as the waves
Dance as the sand , the sun and the surf spray
Dance as the footsteps of forest and field
Dance with the broken brilliance that you have become
Dance with the genius of gutted dreams
Dance with the precarious prayer of miscarried marriage
Dance with the tender tsunami of tears and triumphs
Dance with the free fall from safety, security and sanity
Dance with the pulse of perfectly of balance
Dance the milky way that is as close as your breast
Dance the secrets of the universe that is your yoni
Dance your sensual sounds that signals butterflies to birth
Dance the fragrance of your dreams that
galaxies are formed from
Dance the salty kiss that is the door way to oceanic bliss
Dance the whole damn messy lot until you know that
You are the power behind it all.
Lea Evergreen 2023